
Friday 29 March 2019

Saltaire pink again

More pink - but not blossom this time. Someone on George Street has painted their front door and gate a rather fetching shade of pinky purple. I quite like it, though whether it falls into the 'approved' range of heritage colours may be debatable. I also like the way the URC church tower sits so neatly at the bottom of George Street, proof if you needed it that the whole village was very carefully planned as an entity, even though it took around 15 years to complete. George Street is one of only three streets that run south/north right from the top to the bottom of the village. So, standing right at the top, you can see all the way down to the church. These houses are on the bottom quarter of the road.


  1. It is such a pretty village.

  2. I agree that that garish pink might not be historical...but it does let their visitors know where they are! Have a great day.

  3. I like a bit of bright colour, so I hope they don't have to change it to some muddy approved colour.

  4. I like it too...and the matching gate!
