
Friday, 1 March 2019

Tracks in the woods

It is beautiful in the woods on a misty morning. When I took these photos the sun was barely filtering through but, as I walked, the mist gradually burned off. The haze adds a sense of depth to the scene. I'm always fascinated by the young beech shoots that seem to hang on to their leaves right through until spring. There must be a reason for it, when the woodland floor is carpeted with the discarded leaves from the mature trees. Maybe the young ones are sappier or something. There were plenty of other people about, mostly walking their dogs. I like that. It feels safer, though, as far as I know, my local woods are as safe as anywhere for a lone woman (with camera) out walking.


  1. I've always imagined it's because it's slightly warmer and less windy down at ground level. Lovely place for a walk, either with dog or camera.

  2. With woods around you one can always feel safe.....

  3. We have lots of those persistent little beeches in our woods -- I love hove they light up in a bit of sun. When we have sun. Our weather is as misty-moisty as yours recently.

  4. You live in such a beautiful place, it is comforting to see your photos.

  5. A pretty spot!

    I know that there are certain deciduous trees here that also hold onto their leaves until the new ones are about to bud.

  6. Gorgeous actually looks like fall to me!
