
Thursday 18 April 2019

Shibden Hall Park

By the time we arrived at Shibden Hall, the sun had come out and the sky was an intense blue - but it wasn't a lot warmer! We skirted the house this time and headed down to the boating lake where there is a nice café. Coffee and cake warmed us up a little and we were able to rest our aching legs before the long walk back - up and over the hill again!

There are still masses of daffodils in bloom everywhere. They seem to have lasted a long time this year. Some trees have blossom and some have new vivid green leaves.

I noticed the first native bluebells too, on south facing slopes. They're rather early. We usually expect to see them in May, not April. Let's hope they last as long as the daffodils and we can really enjoy them. They too are such an intense blue.


  1. Grand photos - Britain at its best! Our daffodils have almost departed now and the next few warm days should finish them off completely.

  2. Your photos really do justice to the attractive scenery.

  3. It is such a beautiful time of year!

  4. A beautiful area. We have days like that at present- sunny, but colder than it looks. Some of the garden shoots are just starting to push up through the soil.
