
Thursday 25 April 2019

The first .... of spring

Spotted this week: the first bluebells of spring in Hirst Woods. They're not yet at their peak but the recent sunshine has brought them on fast.
And: the first ice cream van of spring outside Saltaire URC. There is nearly always one parked at the far side of Roberts Park, and of course there's the ice cream boat permanently moored now on the canal. Occasionally we see a travelling one doing the rounds of the streets. Their sudden chime often makes me jump! This one was parked outside the church and opposite Salts Mill, but there wasn't a queue for his wares.


  1. Two things that always bring a smile - the second one because a friend of mine managed to convince her young children that the ice cream man rang his bell to let people know that he'd run out of ice-cream!

  2. Spring has sprung for you!

  3. The purple flowers are a pretty sight.

    There's a truck similar to that which I often hear before I see it on the streets here.
