
Sunday 2 June 2019

Mandy Long - Ceramic Sculpture

Saltaire Arts Trail 2019 - It's interesting to notice what catches your eye as you wander round the Arts Trail... For me, it's not always the most obvious things, and often it is just one piece that stops me in my tracks.

The ceramic sculpture above was in the window of a house on Titus Street. It's called 'Landladies' and is the work of Leeds-based artist Mandy Long, pictured right. I loved the way she has caught the pose of these women. Even without faces, they are still hugely expressive and the piece really tells a story, I think.

Other exhibits displayed were also powerfully expressive, like the one below - the Hurdler. Seemingly suspended mid-leap, the athlete's muscles are straining to clear the hurdle. Much of Mandy's work depicts the physicality of sport in its various forms, allowing her to fuse grace and power very eloquently in her sculptures. The pieces are raku-fired, causing random crackling and blackening of the glaze.

I loved it - and I loved that I dared ask Mandy if I could take her photo and she said 'yes'! I'm getting braver. Look at her website for the full range of her beautiful work - HERE.


  1. I love the hurdler, and the first one reminds me of those old Les Dawson sketches! :)

  2. These are superb examples of what clay can do...and inspiring for me because my sculptures tend to be just people standing erect. Now I'll see what I can do about movement! Raku is a difficult task master, so having those limbs stretched out like that without breakage from the thermal shock speaks of her mastry of the craft.

  3. I too am amazed that she could have these pieces survive through the rakeu process. They are wonderful pieces!!
