
Wednesday 3 July 2019

How does your garden grow?

Some friends of friends are about to move house, from where they have lived for over fifteen years. It's tucked away down a long lane and quite remote from the amenities we need as we get older, so they are reluctantly moving to somewhere nearer to shops and public transport. When they first moved in, there was just a field in front of the old farm building. Over the years they have transformed it into an amazing garden with woodland, an orchard, ponds, wildflower meadows and winding paths with lots of surprises and views. They will really miss the garden, so they asked me to photograph it, to help them remember it. I don't often undertake 'commissions' so I was a bit nervous but it was so beautiful that I really enjoyed wandering around with my camera. They have kindly agreed that I can share a few of the images, and these were some of my own favourites:


  1. Oh my goodness -- how very beautiful!!! And the photo of the poppies is exquisite.

  2. Lovely pics, Jenny! So sad that they must leave but they can work on a new garden at their new place.

  3. Great garden, great pics! The bee is precious!

  4. They made such a beautiful place of it.

  5. What a place! It must be very hard to leave. Your photos are quite a parting gift for your friends.
