
Monday 22 July 2019

Open day at the allotments

In June and July, events come thick and fast locally and I am having trouble keeping up! I'm also taking an awful lot of garden and nature photos, but I do love seeing the rainbow of colours that Mother Nature bestows on us in early summer. These pictures were taken at my friend's Allotments' Association Open Day in Bingley. Long-time readers of my blog may remember that this area, right beside the River Aire, was flooded and badly damaged in December 2015 (see HERE).  There are probably still a few plant pots nestled up in trees along the river! It has taken the allotment holders a good deal of hard work to restore the fences, sheds and greenhouses but now you wouldn't know that the devastation had happened. The plots are lush and productive, full of vegetables, fruit and flowers. What a delight!


  1. And how is the lovely brand new fence which you then organized keeping?

  2. Great to see gardens flourishing again.

  3. A lot of work went into getting things back to better than normal!

  4. There's quite enough work in gardening without Mother Nature re-organising things.
