
Saturday 21 September 2019

The serious work of childhood

Saltaire Festival 2019
There were a few activities laid on for children as part of the Festival, perhaps not as many as in past years but my granddaughters certainly enjoyed themselves.

Here they were engaged in creating 'cameras' out of egg boxes, with plastic lids attached as 'lenses' and 'shutter buttons'.  They drew pictures on small pieces of paper to store inside as 'photographs'. Both of them settled down to the task with intense concentration, producing cameras that they seemed quite pleased with (even though the plastic lids kept falling off!)

Then there was the opportunity for a 'framed photo' - taken with Gran's camera, of course.


  1. If only cameras could be made out of egg boxes....

  2. I recognized my Kodak "Brownie" immediately! Lovely!

  3. Brilliant Jenny - love seeing them ... wonderful and the photoframed pics are beautiful ... good for the girls and for Gran!! - cheers Hilary

  4. Great activity and the girls were very creative!

  5. Nice looks like a lot of fun, good to see some play with cameras at that age.

  6. Taking after gran with their love of cameras and photography. They have grown so quickly.

  7. Wonderful! Aren't granddaughters terrific?
