
Thursday 17 October 2019

Leeds Light Night 2

On the way back to the rail station to get my train home, I watched an installation called 'The Vision', by Studio Ocubo from Portugal, which was projected onto the facade of the Queen's Hotel. It lasted about five minutes; these things must take weeks of work to put together in order to produce just those five minutes.

I must admit I found rather more joy, personally, in watching the children walking around with light lasers, lit balloons and umbrellas threaded with lights. The advent of the LED has really sparked off a revolution and there were many street sellers with carts full of sparkly wares.


  1. The event in Cambridge is entirely powered by LED lights for environmental reasons. Pity that some of the events only lasted a few minutes.

  2. I like all of the things in your last pic, Jenny!

  3. So pretty to have colored lights all over at night!
