
Sunday 3 November 2019

An eye opener!

This isn't my eye... but it's here to illustrate the next little adventure I'm going to have in a day or two: cataract surgery. I can't say I'm looking forward to it, though no-one seems to think it's a big deal. It will be carried out at a nearby eye clinic under a local anaesthetic and I gather the operation only takes around half an hour. I shall be home in time for lunch!

I won't be able to drive for a while afterwards and it may take several weeks to settle down so that I can get a new prescription for glasses (assuming I still need them). I'm mainly concerned that I'll be bored, if I can't read very well and I can't play with my photos or post to my blog for a while. What will I do? Housework? Baking?

Fear not though... I've recently come back from holiday in Harris and Lewis so I'm about to start a blog series with photos that I took there. And then if I still need more, there are some local ones I've taken especially. Hopefully I will be back, taking photos and online, before too long. See you soon (and more clearly, I hope!)

Photo by Laitr Keiows, used unchanged under Creative Commons Licence.


  1. Good luck and hope everything will be okay in a few weeks. My turn will be soon.

  2. My wife had her cataracts removed and it went marvelously. As we in Germany say, keep your ears stiff, Jenny! Good luck!

  3. I'm sure everything will be fine. I'm looking forward to those pictures of Harris and Lewis, somewhere I've always had a desire to see.

  4. I admit ignorance of Harris and Lewis! Many friends have had this procedure successfully. My cataracts are lingering at the "not quite ready for surgery" stage. Yes, some folks even have one done and then the other. I'm not sure which way is better.

  5. Good luck! Everyone seems to have great results from this surgery!

  6. Hope everything goes well for you - cataract removal is something that sounds rather unpleasant to us, but my understanding is that it is a very straightforward, quick, procedure, and it would be great if you no longer needed glasses too.

  7. Prayers all goes well
    I am due in the future for that surgery.

  8. Things should go smoothly for you.

  9. I had cataract surgery almost a year ago and it wasn't as awful as I thought it would be. The improvement in my vision was definitely worth it!

  10. Thanks for all your kind words and encouragement, everyone. I'll update you on it later!
