
Thursday 28 November 2019

On the edge

What with my cataract surgery and the endless rain, I've stayed close to home for most of November. Thankfully this area has not suffered floods, though further south around Doncaster the flooding has been catastrophic. After a while, my need just to get out and breathe the fresh air got the better of me so I ventured up to the top of Shipley Glen for a walk along the edge. Muddy and damp it may have been but I enjoyed it. The trees still held a little autumn colour. Some on the hillside are tall enough nowadays to block the view but every now and again a vista opens up and you can see across to the other side of the Aire valley.


  1. Such golden colors. We tend to get more reds in the autumn.

  2. When the cold east wind roars over the Pennines, it is definately Brrrrrrrr!!

  3. Quite a beautiful landscape under a dramatic sky.

  4. The grey days show more details that aren't hidden with bright light and shadows. These are most enjoyable.
