
Wednesday 18 December 2019

Advent windows 2

Saltaire Living Advent Calendar 2019

This crisp, creative and punchy window can be seen at 3 Whitlam Street. It is a Saltaire street scene, with a couple of our local alley cats gazing at the moon. The good news is that Santa Claus and his sleigh appear to be speeding through the sky, so I might get my stocking filled!


  1. In Riga there is exactly such a cat. A wealthy Latvian wished to join the German Handels Gesellschaft next door. They refused. So on top of his merchant business he placed just such a black cat, tail raised and pointing directly at the German Association. There was intense discussion. He gained admission - provided he turned his cat round.

  2. Love both the cats, and wonderful stars...and the front doors! Great work with minimal colors.

  3. I really like this one, Jenny!

  4. Lovely
    Peter's cat story is a charming addition.
