
Friday, 6 December 2019

With eyes to see

From the beauty of my two favourite trees, stubbornly clinging on to a tracery of bronzed foliage, to the frost-etched leaves that had fallen onto a bench alongside the canal...

to an escaped garden daisy, eager to catch the weak rays of an autumn morning sun. Our world - troubled and threatened though it may be - is still full of riches, for those that have eyes to see,


  1. With a glistening white and silver morning frost in the boughs our favourite trees will absolutely enchant us this winter!

  2. Lovely. It's always a smile moment to see a flower on frosty days.

  3. Lovely views to enjoy (if you've had your breakfast of course!) I took a very similar shot of frosted leaves on a bench just yesterday morning, though mine were oak leaves.

  4. Gorgeous golden photos...and a smile at the daisy!
