
Sunday, 16 February 2020

More macro practice

My mastery of macro photography is still very much 'a work in progress'. The depth of field is very narrow with a macro lens and, given that I can't really see the detail on the screen on the back of the camera, I'm finding getting the focus right is a very hit and miss affair. Still, practice makes perfect or so they say. Some of these approximated to what I was trying to achieve...

I'm awestruck by the beauty and variety of our flora, especially when viewed so close up. Many of these blooms were tiny, on alpine plants. It always amazes me how our world has so much to wonder at; so many different creatures and plants, so extravagantly formed, with such exquisite detail. We should treasure it more than we do.

The alpine succulent below reminded me of one of those Chinese dragons.

'And all of creation sing with me now; 
Fill up the heavens, let His glory resound.'


  1. I haven't tried macros, and am awestruck by yours. Glad to see your efforts look so beautiful...the flower subjects too, but nicely blurred into one sharp area.

  2. I think these are wonderful, Jenny!

  3. Lovely -- and you articulate just what it is I love about macros. So much wonder out there if we could only see it.
