
Monday, 3 February 2020

100 years of Roberts Park

I'm not sure I've ever shown exactly this view before. It shows one of the shelters in Roberts Park, with the park-keeper's lodge in the background and then Salts Mill across the river beyond. I rather like the shelters and I'm amazed at the care they took in Victorian times to have even the simplest structures look fine and embellished. The shelters were rescued from decline when the park was refurbished a few years ago. Money well-spent, I feel.

I was reminded by a Facebook post from the Saltaire History Club that it is now 100 years (16 January 1920) since Roberts Park (which had previously been known as Saltaire Park) was gifted to Bradford Corporation by Sir James Roberts, a former owner of Salts Mill. It was given in memory of his son, Bertram Foster Roberts (who died suddenly aged 36 in 1912), to be maintained 'for the benefit of the public at all times'. It's a bequest that I enjoy on a very regular basis.


  1. Great to see beautiful architecture even on simple buildings

  2. It is a beautiful and charming shelter.

  3. That is a lovely shelter and a wonderful park for the community.

  4. those are a good idea, hope people use it.

  5. It looks good all spruced up.
