
Friday 13 March 2020


It seems that I must always go to the dentist at this time of year. I know that because I walk to the surgery along a route I rarely take otherwise. On the way, there is a small, sheltered garden that seems lovingly tended by its owners and it has one of the earliest blooming camellia bushes that I've ever noticed. The flowers are a glorious deep pink, so freshly open that they were perfect and untouched by the frost or wind that so quickly turns them brown and shrivelled. My year isn't complete without posting a photo of a camellia on my blog! As for the dentist, I shall be going again quite soon as I have to have my first-ever crown fitted. Boo.


  1. The camelia colour is perfect, so lovely. Thank you.

  2. Having a crown makes you royalty...maybe a queen. I've got so many that I'm definitely a queen mother.

  3. We used to have a camellia plant that bloomed beside our front porch when we lived in Virginia and it was always a lovely sign of spring as is this one.
