
Monday 13 April 2020

Tiny planet Saltaire

One unexpected bonus of the current crisis is that the car park in the centre of Saltaire has been completely empty for days. It means you can get a panoramic view of Salts Mill's long frontage without cars in the way. I remembered my phone has a pano setting too. It gave me the photo I've used as my new blog header. Then I remembered that there's a way of converting a pano into a 'tiny planet' so I had a go at that. It proved quite difficult, mainly because I was working with such a large file that my computer was struggling. There's an art to them. For one thing you have to have an uncluttered foreground (which becomes the centre of the planet) for it to look right, and that is often difficult. You also need the edges to be blended to avoid a hard join and I haven't quite managed that here. Still, it's quite fun - and an undoubtedly different view of Saltaire.


  1. The world does seem a small place at the moment. I've tried a few of those shots and they're not easy to get right.

  2. I think that you have achieved planet Saltaire with great effect - well done.

  3. What a fun photo. I sure know how big files slow down computers. I think the web is a bit overloaded too. I used to notice that just on holidays.

  4. You must have become dizzy doing the shot!

  5. Brilliant Jenny, well done.
