
Sunday 10 May 2020

Hirst Wood bluebells

I have to go and tiptoe through the bluebells in Hirst Wood at least once every spring. They are amazing. I set off one day (about a week ago) when it was cloudy, as overcast light tends to show the colours better. By the time I got to the woods the sun was shining merrily. Normally that would be lovely but I was a bit aggrieved! I'm also not sure whether they were quite at their peak. Sometimes the fields of blue seem more intense. I might try and find time to go back again. They're really beautiful though and the scent is incredible too.


  1. There was a little wood next to our house surrounded by a high stone wall. No one entered it, except for us children. We called it Brownie's Wood. Each Spring a really terrific show of bluebells arrived. The flowers' scent entrapped behind the wall was pure delight. Only the resident owl and we children knew.

  2. Beautiful images! Bluebells are just so delightful!

  3. I would love to see that one year. I didn't know they had a strong scent.

  4. Gorgeous photos. Bluebells in the UK woods is a very favorite time of the year.

  5. These are quite lovely shots, Jenny, and I have seen wild violets in the fields here and they have also been colorful.

  6. They still look beautiful.
