
Thursday 14 May 2020

Lockdown bandit

Until now, despite the pandemic lockdown, it hasn't been mandatory in the UK to wear a face mask. Some people have been donning them, but I'd never bothered. I'm not entirely convinced by the science, at least as far as low grade and home-made masks are concerned, and I worried that it would make me touch my face more and thus put me at more risk. Since the recent slight easing of restrictions, the guidance recommends face coverings 'in enclosed spaces where social distancing is not always possible and [you] come into contact with others that [you] do not normally meet, for example on public transport or in some shops'. So I decided I needed to make myself some. 

I don't want to order online as there is still a shortage of PPE and I don't want to cheat those more needy out of supplies. I rooted around in my sewing box for a few scraps of suitable material and some elastic, got my sewing machine out and set to work, using a pattern I saw online. I was reasonably pleased with the result. At least they fit quite snugly and are more comfortable than I imagined. I used quite thin elastic, since with my hair, hearing aids, glasses and earrings, there's not a lot of spare room around my ears! I found my glasses fog up so I unearthed some pipe-cleaner to mould around my nose, which helps a bit. I couldn't find anything else suitable; I have no plastic-covered wire and paperclips weren't bendy enough. The only trouble is the pipe-cleaner was bright green so it will probably bleed and rust when I wash the masks. I might have to take it out again. 

Made a couple for my daughter too. It brought back a memory of sewing tiny long-sleeved blouses for her to wear, when she was just nine months old and we had our first family holiday in Greece. You couldn't buy light summer baby clothes with long sleeves, and I was desperate that she wouldn't get sun-burnt. (Sunscreen for kids wasn't as effective then as now.) Here I am, still sewing things for her out of love and concern for her safety! It was a satisfying afternoon's work. 


  1. It seems only a few months ago that Boris was calling Muslim women "letter-boxes" and "bank-robbers", now he's urging us all to cover our faces. I've got an old bandanna or two which will just have to do for my rare visits to the village shop.

  2. Great skills and creative inspiration there! Looks good. I have one N95 mask for the most crowded areas (grocery stores) and just dust masks for everywhere else. I have to stop and take off my glasses before putting on a N95, which has straps that are waaay too tight, and I can't care a hoot about my hair any more...put on glasses again, do my shopping, then reverse it all in the car. When I get home I have to remind myself of everything I've touched and keep it separate from "clean surfaces" till I'm sure it's not contaminated. Disinfectant wipes on everything after washing hands of course.

  3. I have a dust mask which I keep in the car for when I go into the grocery store or bank. I don't go in anywhere else.

  4. You're a lovely model.
    Beautiful sewing, well done.

  5. I don't wear a face mask, but should I find it necessary then I shall use one of those face screens as they protect the whole of your face, and you can talk and breath properly. On returning home they can be wiped clean again easily with an anti bacterial wipe.
    I agree with Salty Pumpkin Studio that you look very nice in yours.
