
Saturday 23 May 2020

Secret spaces 1

A child's hideaway: a pretty pink teepee, the ideal spot for a cosy read or even a snooze. You could be forgiven for thinking it was pitched in a secret glade. In fact it was on the grass in front of Saltaire's church, outside the row of cottages that are part of what was originally the stable block for Salts Mill.

The stable block sits around a central cobbled courtyard. The buildings are now all converted to residences and often the heavy front gate is shut, concealing what's inside. When the gate is open, there's a glimpse of a lovely wisteria around a doorway. Its flowering season is short but I always think the blossom looks glorious against the blue-mauve glass panels in the door.

The third 'secret space' is one I've only recently discovered, at the back of St Paul's Church in Shipley. I didn't realise there is a footpath through what is presumably part of the original graveyard. The headstones were removed from all the graves years ago and laid as paths and up against walls. I suppose it was to keep things safe (the stones can work loose and topple) and to enable easier grass mowing. The path cuts a corner off my usual route up to Shipley and provides a sweetly peaceful little space in the midst of the busy streets.


  1. The dark red wine around my front door was, like your wisteria really lovely, until the time came to repaint the house. The painters had a very hard time of it removing the thousand tentacles of my wine which had grown into the brickwork. So I don't do it any more, sadly.

  2. There is a lovely Wisteria down the street from me which always puts on a good show!

  3. These look like good secret spaces, Jenny, and the wisteria is lovely and I imagine can be quite fragrant too. I wonder if the pink tent was inhibited by a small one.
