
Friday 12 June 2020

Flowerpots and face masks

I grew up watching 'The Flowerpot Men' on TV in the 1950s - but they didn't look like this! Isn't it amazing what lengths people will go to to decorate their gardens? In a sign of the times, even the cows are wearing face masks. (I don't think any real, scarce PPE was harmed in the making of this tableau.) In actual fact, most people in the UK don't seem to be wearing face masks when out and about, even during this coronavirus pandemic. Looking at TV coverage, the habit seems much more widespread in other countries, particularly in the Far East. Their efficacy has been subject to much discussion in our media. It now seems, however, that masks will be mandatory on public transport from next week. I've tried wearing mine in the supermarket but, even with the flexible wires to mould around my nose, I still can't stop my glasses fogging up, which is really annoying.


  1. I remember making some of those during gardening sessions when I worked at the school, it's a lot trickier than it looks.
    (Very impressive B/Ws yesterday, by the way)

  2. Here in Germany one must wear a mask and push a trolley to enter a supermarket.
    The number of trolleys are fewer than normal so that one has lots of space around one in the supermarket/shop. Also on buses a mask is pflicht. Two weeks ago the hairdressers re-opened under strict disinfected control. Germany's newest coronovirus death toll is 8.600. Germans are prepared to accept discipline. Apart from hotspots Berlin and Göttingen the rest of the country is virtually virus free.

  3. I love dislays like that! Though I'm not tempted to do something similar in my garden.

  4. It seems that most people in grocery stores are wearing masks. They are now required on our public transport.

  5. Good fun with flower pots. I've been wearing masks and glasses for months when around people outside my home...the breath going out the sides keeps my glasses from fogging up. I kind of make folds that go along my cheeks...maybe that will help. But for long interviews with doctors, one or the other of us will lower the mask while talking...otherwise I've been covered for months. ALL the personnel in the hospital wore at least masks. Those dealing with ICU, of course, had full protective garments on.
