
Saturday 20 June 2020

More Flowerpot Men

Bill and Ben, the Flowerpot Men have a comfy bench to sit on in Baildon's Community Garden, where they can watch the small children at play. Their friend Little Weed has also popped up to say hello. I'm not sure if anyone much younger than me or living elsewhere than Britain will know these characters. They were the stars of a children's TV programme that aired in the 1950s and 60s (see HERE), one of the series called 'Watch with Mother' that showed a different programme each weekday. The characters talked in a funny language and said 'flobadob' quite a lot. At the end they always said 'Babap, Ickle Weed!' and Weed would reply, in a very high pitched voice: 'Weeeeeeeeeed'!  The tortoise, is, I think, a character called Slowcoach who used to amble into the scene periodically. Oh, I remember it like it was yesterday!

In another part of the garden there is another flowerpot creation - perhaps their grandad with his dog, though I don't recall them in the TV programme. He is leaning against a rather elaborate 'bug hotel', quite a work of art.

My grand-girls would have been delighted to search for the fairies, hiding in the foliage. 


  1. That is a lovely idea for a garden. I'm sure your grands would love it. My Bill has a friend called Ben and we used to call them the Flower Pot Men.

  2. Such cute creatures...I'm glad you told me that was a turtle! And it's great to find a fairy in the flowers! I hadn't heard of your TV show, so am glad to be introduced to it. Kids so like funny made-up words!

  3. I like the flowerpot people!

  4. Never heard of the flowerpot folks, but enjoyed learning and of course seeing these creations.
