
Monday 22 June 2020

The calm of the lake

It's not very big but Tong Park Dam is an oasis of calm, not far from the residential areas of Baildon, so it's a popular spot with families and dog-walkers. Saltaire Angling Club owns the fishing rights so there are often a couple of fishermen sitting quietly on the banks. There was a pair of mute swans but they never came anywhere near me, so they are just white dots on the photo! There was also a family of moorhens, with three little chicks whizzing around like clockwork toys. There was very little wind (for a change!) and a heavily clouded sky lent a steely look to the water. A couple of patches of water lilies added some grace to the scene.


  1. Waterlilies are so fun to see. It is a nice pond.

  2. Oasis is the right word for this place, Jenny!

  3. Beautiful. The creatures on the left look like a beaver in the water.

    1. A beaver would be exciting! It's a duck though.

  4. Oh what a lovely spot, what sort of fish are there?
