
Wednesday 22 July 2020

Containing my excitement

They do such a wonderful job of planting up containers at Harlow Carr - a masterclass in how to combine planting, and something I never manage to replicate. The secrets seem to be: go big, restrict the colour palette and use a variety of different leaves. Oh - and as any photographer knows, there is magic in threes... 

... though I have four photos I really can't choose between...  😬


  1. These are beautiful--and a mini-class in container planting.

  2. Very skilful and artistic plantings. Every year I say I'll think through what flowers I want to fill my planters, but every year I just go and buy a mixture and hope for the best!

  3. I like the first ones the best!

  4. Gosh aren't they lovely Jenny.. I would be hard pressed to choose a favourite, although the first planting is calling to me 😉

  5. Oh! What is the plant in the last photo? I recognized, or thought I did, the others, but this one is not known to me and I don't have a clue!
