
Monday 20 July 2020

In my bones

As a resident of 22 years, I've lived in Saltaire longer than I've lived in any other one place during my life. It's under my skin and in my bones, in much the way that Blackpool is etched through the length of a stick of rock candy. I'd even go so far as to say that I'd be able to identify Salts Mill in most circumstances. It is so iconic and recognisable. (Long term readers of my blog may feel the same! Possibly eternally bored of the same views? There are, after all, only so many photos you can take in a square mile.)

Try these three vignettes: a reflection, the tip of a chimney and a window (though originally, I think, a loading bay to transfer goods to and from canal barges. You can see the opening has been bricked up at the base.) 

Yes, I'd recognise them anywhere.


  1. Interesting and telling details. Although it often feels as though you've reached the limits of what you can photograph it can never really be true if you consider how many viewpoints there actually are; then add in time of day, time of year, different focal length, framing, editing....Well, I'm not bored with pictures of Saltaire anyway.

  2. It is several years since I visited Saltaire and I loved the visit and love seeing your pics now, Jenny!

  3. I don't get tired of your photos at all and I like the glass window one, makes me wonder what's behind it.

  4. Just as Thoreau said he had traveled much in Walden, you have done the same with Saltaire. And I never get tired of it. (And I have traveled much on our farm . . .)
