
Thursday, 25 February 2010

Brilliant banners

I've shown a series of pictures of St. Peter's Church, Shipley this week. It is one of two Church of England churches, each of which has half of Saltaire in its parish. A number of factors combine to make the interior of the church attractively warm and welcoming, including the large windows that lighten the space. I particularly love the colourful banners hanging from the walls - seven in all. Six were
made especially for the church some years ago: designed by Ann Davies and sewn by Ann, Helen Lealman, Betty Crooke and Sue Stevens. A seventh was added last year, in the Centenary year. They feature a mix of painting, textile collage and embroidery. They are all beautiful, but these two are my particular favourites.

You can see two more on H's lovely blog: Little Sealed Packages.
Given that I have two left hands when it comes to sewing and embroidery
(and am not much better at painting) then I am full of admiration for Ann and the others, who did a great job on these.


  1. Love that top one, I wonder what the poor thought of them.

  2. There is something so cheerful about them.

  3. How beautiful! We hang banners in our church too. I will have to get some pictures.

  4. I remember learning about Saltaire at school - a fascinating place. I look forward to following your blog ... and thank you for following mine :o)

  5. The banners are very colorful and must brighten up the church. What's wrong with being left-handed!?!

  6. Clueless - nothing!..unless you're really right- handed like me.
