
Friday, 26 February 2010

Lone tree

More snow this week, though thankfully it didn't stay for long. We didn't really want it (or at least I didn't) but... Isn't nature beautiful? This tree is etched like black lace in the snow and mist, on High Bank Lane - up the valley side to the south of Saltaire. For such sights, I can almost forgive the treacherous slithering and sliding on the pavements on my way to work.


Many thanks to Diggestive for honouring me with this award - if anybody deserves it, it's Alan at newsfromnowhere and Betsy at myfivemen, as their scribbles invariably brighten my day. So I would like to pass it on to them both, with my thanks.


  1. That's when winter is nice, unfortunately it isn't normally so kind.

  2. Thank you so much for your award and for your support of my blogging. It means a lot to have your support, especially because I hold your own blog in such high regard.
