
Wednesday 21 July 2010

Saltaire's New Mill

The New Mill, Saltaire.... looking quite old in this photo. It's rare that you get such a perfect reflection in the River Aire at the top of the weir, so I wanted to take the picture. But it was a really dull day yesterday (I'm on holiday so it's raining, natch!) so a sepia treatment seemed like a good option.

This Mill was an addition to the main Salts Mill, completed some 15 years later in 1868 (which was, incidentally, the same year that the last houses in Saltaire were finished). Sir Titus Salt had it built as an extra spinning mill, to make use of excess steam power and to produce even more yarn for his busy weaving department in the main mill. It was built on the site of the original Dixon's corn mill, which existed when Sir Titus bought the land in order to relocate his textile business out of Bradford to a healthier, cleaner site. A mill weir was already there, but it was replaced in 1871 by the one you now see.

I had another photo of the Mill from this side in my blog on
29 June last year and you can click the 'New Mill' label below for more photos of this building from different aspects. It is notable for its splendid tower, a copy of a Venetian campanile. The New Mill is now converted to offices, occupied by the Bradford District NHS Care Trust.


  1. Nice photo. The reflection is brilliant.

  2. The reflection is so great!You should join the community on friday to show your wonderful pictures!
    I like the way you made the picture in sepia, it's really beautyful!
    I'm sad to read that it's raining while you're on holidays..But the truth is that I envy you: i miss the rain! :)

  3. The sepia treatment really works here. One to frame and hang, maybe?

  4. Great treatment of the photo. Reflections are terrific too. I like it when you tell us what the buildings are used for today.

  5. Like how you used your software to make this so unique.

  6. The soon-to-be-abolished Bradford District NHS Care Trust. And what will become of the building then. Hopefully some active use can be found as it is such a lovely building.

  7. Gorgeous! That water is perfectly still and makes such a lovely reflection, like a mirror! :)

  8. A beautiful picture! Hard to believe it was something so prosaic as a mill.

  9. What a great picture. I love the reflection and the sepia really does give it an aged look.

  10. Everything works in this photo,color,reflectoin,texture. I really like this one.

  11. What a great shot. It's hard to get a reflection like that. You're right about the sepia treatment making it look old, but it is very attractive.

  12. That picture looks as though it could have been taken many years ago. The reflection is perfect!

  13. Love the sepia tone, perfect reflection and how you framed out the image. ~Lili
