
Monday 3 January 2011

New Project - The Saltaire Heritage Trail

New Year... new project.  Yesterday I showed the Saltaire Street Plan out of the Heritage Trail leaflet, so I thought - why not actually follow the trail, in photographs?  Sunday promised to be sunny.  Ha ha, it wasn't!  Though it was a little brighter than it has been, it was jolly cold.  Never mind, I wrapped up warmly and set off following the blue trail.

'Our tour begins on the bridge over the railway line...' which is where you would arrive in Saltaire if you let the train take the strain. (And with petrol prices going up, no street parking and a long walk from the car park behind Salts Mill, arriving by train in the World Heritage Site makes sense.)  It's a cute little station (though not as picturesque as the original, which was pulled down after the Beeching cuts in 1965.)  To the left, you see the oldest residential part of Saltaire, built in 1854.  To the right is the Saltaire Dining Hall, now part of Shipley College, which originally provided meals for the workers at Salts Mill.  They are all built from the same local stone but the soot and grime of the 19th and early 20th centuries has been cleaned off most of the public buildings leaving the houses looking black in comparison.

[On the plan, start at the red star.]


  1. What a GREAT idea, Jenny!!! This is SO MUCH FUN - I don't even have to dress up snugly to enjoy it all...or worry about lack of parking, increased petrol prices or buying a train ticket :)


    Des xo

  2. I like your idea to follow the trail, and your first shot is great, like an ancient one! The travel will be through distances and times!

  3. Your project has got off to a nice start. What a shame the original station was pulled down. I look forward to more of the trail.

  4. what a brilliant idea I must try and do the same for Barking. Barking is steeped in history which you have to, these days, look for!! take care and a good start to your project. Judyx

  5. Looking forward to the tour. And congratulations on your 100th follower. Have a great year ahead and continue taking your stunning photographs.

  6. What a great idea now I'll be able to put all your pics and stories into context. Looking forward to the tour. I will be warm actually stinking hot while you'll be rugged up against the cold.

  7. I just watched North & South yesterday afternoon, and can picture all that taking place in Saltaire!

  8. I like this plan of yours, it looks fun and interesting. This b&w photo is great with the shapes and lines. And I love the expression "jolly cold" :)

  9. Ooooh :). This is going to be fun!

  10. Oh I must keep up with this tour a little better as I see I'm walking backwards catching up with your posts! ~Lili
