
Tuesday 1 February 2011

Yorkshire humour

I guess even the most enthusiastic bloggers must sometimes have to raid the archives for inspiration and I'm no exception.  (We could call it 'blogger's block'!)  I came across this photo that I took a few months ago, of an old cemetery near Heptonstall, up on the hills above Hebden Bridge.   My dad would have called it the dead centre of Yorkshire - and there isn't much more to say about it.  (Although it is near the comically-named hamlet of Slack Bottom, whose name I have always enjoyed!)  And it does give me an excuse to tell you one of my favourite Yorkshire dialect jokes:
 An elderly Yorkshireman was distraught when his devoted - and devout - wife died.  His only comfort was knowing she had gone to be with the Lord.  He gave much thought to what to put on her memorial stone and eventually decided Lord, she was Thine would be appropriate. When he went to view the stone, however, he was dismayed to find it had been inscribed Lord, she was thin.  He immediately contacted the stonemason, telling him: "You've missed off the 'E' ".  The mason replied that he was sorry but it was no problem and he would correct it.  When the widower went again to see the stone, he found it now said: Ee Lord, she was thin.


  1. Thanks for the chuckle. Did you know, there's a place in Cornwall called, Skinner's Bottom?

  2. Haha! And, double haha - wonder WHY that little village was named Slack Bottom?

  3. Hello, Discovered your blog from Saltaire village web-site and I am very glad to be able de follow your daily photos of the area.
    Came last week - for the first time of my life! - to visit Saltaire, from Autria (but I am Japanese and my husband is from Manchester)... Beautiful place Yorkshire, would love to know a bit more about your area!
    Just a small greetings... Sachiko

  4. I am still laughing an hour later. Have passed it around although I can barely speak through my belly laughing.
    Oh and it is a superb photo. MORE PLEASE!

  5. Funny! I know the feeling too well of combing through the archives for a post!

  6. I'm glad, I understood everything and found it funny!:)
    and I like the picture very much: a beautyful place to rest!

  7. Very good. I like both the photo and the joke :)

  8. I am so enjoying your blog. Thank you for bringing England alive for me. AND everyone else!


  9. And with THAT chuckle, I'm off to bed. You can bring out more from your archives, Jenny. Beautiful photo and I have a "thing" for cemeteries.

  10. Love this one, and the Yorkshire humor too! ~Lili
