
Sunday 27 March 2011

Angel face

 Make yourself familiar with the angels and behold them frequently in spirit; 
for without being seen, they are present with you.
-- St. Francis De Sales

I passed this angel headstone on one of my walks, and thought she had such a lovely face.

It's not that I spend my whole life wandering around cemeteries...  (even though it's not long since I shared photos of Undercliffe Cemetery in Bradford.)  But I do find them fascinating places, as well as havens where I can find a sense of peace and calm; a few minutes of quiet in the midst of busyness and pressure.  I don't find them at all morbid.  One of the Bradford area's main cemeteries and crematorium is just along the road out of Saltaire, in Nab Wood.  It's a pleasant walk through the cemetery and then, via a gap in the wall, up through Hirst Woods and back to Saltaire along the canal.

Carve quiet spaces in your life and in the silence you will hear the angels.


  1. I am chuckling over your not finding cemeteries morbid. You are obviously concentrating on everything that is above ground, not below ground. Thinking of all the dead bodies beneath you as you walk over them might be a bit morbid, but probably most are skeletal by now.

  2. I don't find cemeteries morbid either. I enjoy looking at unusual headstones or statues and reading the inscriptions; especially the oldest ones!

  3. I was always told that all these dead people -friends, family or unknown people- are all members of a 'big welcome commitee' waiting for you to come and join them. This image is kind of became familiar to me. My goodness, it must be huge this commitee!!
    Yes Jenny, share your feeling about finding a moment of calm and peace; and listen to these angels. I tend to go to the big lake myself and watch the sky and the water... Have a good sunday!

  4. It is *very* pretty and in a reflective mood.

  5. I love cemeteries too. Indeed I once lived at the end of Cemetery Avenue in Sheffield with a huge Victorian burial ground right outside my back door.

    The problem is ever since that Dr Who episode with the stone angels these statues scare me rigid. Just don't blink! ;-)

  6. I love your quotes and I share your opinion about cemeteries; And this angel is so pretty and serene..

  7. The angel's expression is devout and contented. It makes for a good photograph.

  8. We love cemeteries for their escape from business and busyness, and traffic! Your angel is serene!

  9. She is beautiful! Nothing morbid/macabre about a quiet stroll through a cemetery, either...we all end up there, one way or the other, anyway, don't we? It's just a fact of life. Marvellous quote :)

  10. I enjoy cemeteries for the same reasons that you do - and also reading the stones and wondering about the lives represented by them.

  11. She is quite beautiful! I enjoy a walk through the cemetery too - peace, and usually a lovely assortment of trees and plantings.

  12. She looks so peaceful and serene! I like wandering through cemeteries too and there is an old one near my office, but the city has recently barred people from trespassing there because of vandalism.

  13. Beautiful angel! I love old cemeteries too.

  14. It is a beautiful angel. I find the cemetery to be a fascinating place. There is a lot of history that shows up on the stones. I have even found one that is my favorite stone that I want when I need one.

  15. Angels, I think, are figments of the imagination, but the notion seems to help some people, so I say, bring on the angels. This one does have a very pretty face indeed.

    I like cemeteries, too. Fascinating places that give rise to all sorts of speculation about what the bones that now reside there were when they supported flesh and blood.

    Do you know why most cemeteries have fences around them?

    People are just dying to get in!

    Sorry, I just couldn't resist. Hope you have a great week.

  16. I feel exactly the same way about graveyards, I love 'em. this angel is very pretty. About the roads, ours are dreadful too. Let's hope the money allocated in the budget makes it way to our roads. I'm not holding my beath though.

  17. Love this one Jenny! ~Lili
