
Saturday 26 March 2011

It must be spring!

If yesterday's photo showed a popular spot for an outing in the early 20th century, then today's shows the modern equivalent.  I don't suppose the early residents of Saltaire would have had any notion that one day the village would be designated a World Heritage Site and would become a real draw for tourists.  This is the approach along the canal towpath, with the church on the right bank and the New Mill ahead.  The eagle-eyed among you will have spotted today's refreshments.... yes, the red and yellow ice-cream boat is back, so it must be spring - even though it doesn't look very spring-like!  (After being warm and sunny all week when I've been stuck indoors,  it's cool and cloudy again now it's the weekend.)


  1. What a pretty, tranquil scene. Sorry the weather isn't playing fair for you, Jenny :(

  2. Hi Jenny Freckles!

    Thanks so much for stopping by our blogs. And now I've found yours.

    I've not heard of Saltaire before which means absolutely nothing 'cause there are lots of places of importance of which I've never heard! :-)

    Looks like a delightful "village," and I would love to visit in person sometime, but meanwhile, I'll just have to follow your blog!

    Isn't spring wonderful? Ice-cream boat? That sounds like my kind of water craft!

  3. In older times, we said it was spring when swallows were back. today, we say it when this boat is back, or in my case, when parasols come back on the beach!

  4. We had our ice-cream social yesterday here! Good timing with your lovely ice-cream boat!

  5. That is very pleasant looking scene indeed

  6. Yes, I'd noticed that the clouds have hidden the sun and the temperature has dropped - Just because I'm going out walking tomorrow :(

    (As long as it doesn't rain, the walk will be good. The photos would look much better with some blue sky though!)

  7. That looks lovely - super reflection too!

  8. I love yesterday's photo and am sorry it's a car park now. But I'm sure today's tourists are happy for a place to leave their cars.

  9. I love icecream. But I only eat it in the summer! It makes me too cold! ha.

    The photo is lovely...what a fun looking spot to socialize or take a walk!

  10. I can see why that would be a popular draw. Lovely.

  11. This area has lots of interest, from the river to the riverbanks, to the towers, to the building on the right, to the beverage boat, to the walkers (with a child on one dad's shoulders!). Nice one.

  12. What a beautiful spot, Jenny! As to spring, well, we've had fantastic days with 24ºC and now it's raining and temperatures have dropped...
