
Thursday 10 March 2011

Purple patch

The next town along the Aire Valley from Saltaire is Bingley - quite an attractive little market town, much improved a few years ago by the building of a by-pass that diverted some of the traffic from the town centre.  I had a wander along the riverbank and through the town square and passed this bank of crocusses, such a cheering sight and a reminder that spring is on the way.  No doubt certain of my readers would have preferred to see more of the pub in the background - The Ferrands Arms, named after one of the local gentry families. (See this post for another mention of the name).  The pub serves 'real ale' and appeals largely to a late-night crowd of youngsters - or so I gather, since I don't frequent the centre of Bingley late at night, as a rule!


  1. This reader LOVED seeing that glorious swathe of crocuses :) How incredibly lovely!!!

  2. Beautiful, colorful.
    Have a great day Jenny.

  3. I too would rather look at the flowers. It is a beautiful splash of colour that must be heartening for those waiting for Spring.

  4. Lovely to see the spring colours. I've also really enjoyed discovering your photos this week: we're shortly going to be moving up to Saltaire and it's great to see that I'll be able to enjoy getting out and about with my camera a bit more.

  5. Glorious!! I always look out for the purple crocus for that rich splash of colour. My son-in-law works in Bingley and travels there about an hour's journey daily, I bet he knows The Ferrands Arms ;)

  6. I love the little bit of yellow mixed in there!

  7. Oh my goodness, this is beautiful! I need springtime so badly. We're still under two feet of snow here. Am I looking for sympathy?? YES!! But thank you for the beautiful and cheery crocuses. It's a good reminder that winter, even here, will be followed by springtime.

  8. What a beautiful display! I love the purple and white.

  9. Oh, how lovely! We're a couple of weeks away from blooms I think!

  10. What a welcome sight this must be for all the unseasonable weather you had this winter. So lovely! ~Lili

  11. Lovely flowers! Well done! We had someone leave a bunch of snowdrops in our foyer the other day, so they have come up in Penticton. Unfortunately we have a 404 error on our blog we can't resolve, so if you still wish to follow we are now at:

  12. What a lovely sight! And I loved yesterday's photo -- a great name for a boat!

  13. Thanks for this one; we drove by Harrogate Stray last weekend; the crocuses were fabulous but we had forgotten the camera. Thinking of you and your mum.

  14. We are not quite "there" yet here--have only noticed the pointed shoots of bulbs poking through the earth so far. So, it brought a smile to my face and a feeling of hope to see this image of that mass of blooming crocuses!
    I stumbled on your blog, BTW, bt searching out who else listed "My Family And Other Animals" as a favorite book and I think I may have found a new favorite blog. :-)
