
Friday 11 March 2011

Riverside walk

There is a pleasant riverside walk along the bank of the River Aire through Bingley.  It's quite a while since I passed this way and I was pleased to see that they have tidied it all up considerably.  The river runs parallel to the town's main street.  Behind the shops and down to the river there is a warren of old houses and commercial premises, which at one time were a bit run down.   Some have recently been converted into apartments and some new apartments built too, all with an attractive aspect onto the river.  Far from spoiling it, it seems to have done a lot to improve the area.  There is still a lovely pathway to walk too, right from the church down in the oldest part of the town up to Myrtle Park, a large open park where the annual Bingley Show is held.

It's a while since I entered James' Weekend Reflections - I think this photo will fit the bill nicely, don't you?  For more interpretations of the popular Reflections theme, please click here.


  1. What a beautiful spot. I could sit on a bench and take it all in quietly for a good length of time :) So peaceful!!!

  2. A beautiful place and a nice walk Jenny.
    Have a great day.

  3. Beautiful scenery! Have a great weekend!

  4. A lovely photograph! Bingley is certainly a good place and this spot looks particularly picturesque and peaceful. Hope you get chance to recharge your batteries over the week-end.

  5. Picture Book stuff and a blue sky reflection to boot. I would love to walk by the river.

  6. Oh yes! The reflections are lovely.

  7. Nice reflections. I always tend to think that Bingley somehow has been ruined by the by-pass. I know you don't get held up there any more, but it always seems to have had a soul by-pass as well.

  8. It's always encouraging to see places like this being renewed and adding to a community rather than just being left to finish falling apart! And this is such a lovely place, Jenny! I would love to spend time there! What a lovely place to walk or just sit for a while! Great captures for the day! Hope you have a good weekend!


  9. What a wonderful place to stroll!

    I just discovered your post below.Thank you for letting us know where you will be. All my thoughts will be with you and your mother.

  10. Lovely reflection Jenny... I feel like having a boat trip, now... What a marvelous place to laze in a barque with a book, AND a handsome young man to pull on the oars...

  11. It's such a beautiful and quiet place!
    have a great weekend:)

  12. A very inviting photo - I could just go for a stroll :) take care and have a lovely weekend, Judyx

  13. It is a marvelous place, fit for a long stroll with a poised camera.

    I hope your time with your mother is going well.

  14. Lovely reflection... a river gently flowing along the banks of a town in the midst of renewal. Thinking of you, my dear.


  15. Yours is one of three that I like very much on this weekend reflections theme. This is truly lovely, very relaxing, refreshing, and downright pretty.

  16. Sarene and tranquil!! To walk along the river'll be soothing and to live here 'll be lovely!!
    Someday I hope to take a walk along the river.
    Thank you for your concern.
    Have a great weekend.

  17. Tugs at the heartstrings (actually that sounds rather painful) -- anyway I'm quite fond of Bingley though to be honest I typically gravitate toward the spectacular 5-Rise Locks!

  18. Fits the theme very nicely! Britain seems to have a lot of places by the water that deserve a visit with a camera.

  19. Very nice reflections! It looks so much like spring. (We still have snow,)

  20. I've walked along the Aire from Bingley back to Shipley. It was lovely, apart from the muddy stretch!

  21. So glad to see the lack of snow there, that is indeed a lovely spot! ~Lili

  22. Ahh, that looks like a peaceful walk, I would enjoy it greatly as I do your photo.

  23. Just breathtaking. Would make an incredible water colour too.

  24. What a lovely place! I'd like to walk there sometime.

    I hope your mom's doing well.
