
Friday 8 April 2011

Leafy Hampstead

Whilst in London, we had a wander round 'leafy Hampstead' - seeing how the other half lives!  Unless people have owned property there for years, one wonders how anyone could afford to buy there... and then you begin to realise that the gap between rich and poor is in reality nowadays the gap between the super-rich and everyone else.  Maybe I'm getting old, grumpy and disillusioned but I really am left wondering what is going on in our society.

That aside, Hampstead is a pleasant enough area ... assuming you haven't visited Yorkshire, that is.   ;-)   The photo shows a bench (for Malyss's enjoyment!) overlooking one of the ponds on Hampstead Heath.

This will fit into the 'Weekend Reflections' meme that James at Newtown Area Photo so cheerfully hosts - see here for more interpretations on the theme.


  1. I love that weeping willow tree. We had one in our backyard when I was a child...this brings back memories.

  2. You know, even if I could afford to buy a property in Hampstead, I doubt that I would...especially if I already lived in a World Heritage Site. 'Hampstead Daily Photo' just doesn't have the same ring to it.

  3. I don't know if I missed your new header, but I've seen it today, for the first's super, Jenny!

    And today's photo is beautiful!

  4. I'm thinking exactly the same thing about society, so it's not a question of age or country, it's a global feeling..
    and yes, you made my day with that lovely bench!A perfect spot to enjoy the view on the river, and to take time to dream..

  5. Great place for relax. I love the shot. Have a great day!

  6. Looks like a pleasant place to sit and enjoy the day.

  7. Beautiful! I love the willow tree!

  8. "Maybe I'm getting old, grumpy and disillusioned ..." From someone who is already there, come on in, the waters' fine.

  9. Beautiful images, love the greens in it.

  10. I love the willow, too, and your beautiful watery reflections for the day! And, yes, and the bench, too!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Jenny! Thanks as always for your visit and comment! They are appreciated!!

  11. What a lovely photo. It's such a peaceful looking scene. I could sit there for hours and watch the duckies paddle around.

  12. I think that this lovely reflection centers on that chartreuse green willow and the bench. There is something about a willow gently draped over water that is quite soothing.

    I think that Malyss would share the bench with us. ;-)


  13. That's a bench for Malyss' collection... :D

    Nice picture by the way.

  14. That's quite a beautiful view, I'm surprise no one is on the bench.

  15. First, I too was attracted to the willow tree; haven't seen one is seemingly ages. It's a lovely shot. And second, don't get me started, Jenny, perhaps I can out-grump you! But I am not disillusioned. I still see a lot of basic goodness around in the world and I focus on how I live, not what I own. Martin makes good point.

  16. beautiful place ... I would have loved to sit on that bench and watch the sun go down.
    the gap between rich and poor is increasing day by day in my country.

  17. Nice bench and willow tree - there are some nice bits down south but its far better up north - especially when it's not too cold.

  18. Wonderful reflective photo. Hope you're have a good visit.

  19. Like that tree, it adds a great mood. Yes, although this is nice, your town is very charming.

  20. So many leaves already! The willow is wonderful!

  21. Love those huge water willows!

  22. A lovely view! Very peaceful! Love all those building styles, but my soul is won by the delightful willow!

  23. The willow is amazing! What a very traquil scene.

  24. Hampstead is rather pretty for London, but it's not a patch on Yorkshire!

  25. Wonderful scene! I would love to walk around there. Love the tree, the bench and the reflection of course. :)

  26. It's fun getting glimpses of London! ~Lili
