
Saturday 9 April 2011

Parliament Hill

I have long wanted to visit Parliament Hill, a high point on Hampstead Heath from which you get a view right across London - and here it is.  I made it!  It's called Parliament Hill because during the English Civil War (1642 -1651) it was a defensive stronghold for troops loyal to Parliament (the Roundheads).  The Houses of Parliament are NOT situated on the top of it!

The view is lovely and in the early spring warmth there were masses of people sitting and standing around, looking over the city, as well as plenty of folks flying kites (a traditional pastime up there.)  You can probably make out the cluster of tall office buildings in the City of London - among them 'the Gherkin' - and maybe you can see the dome of St Paul's Cathedral, immediately in front of the very tall building almost in the middle of the horizon. (Click to make the picture bigger).  That huge structure, not yet completed, is known as The Shard and will be the highest building in the EU when it's finished.  There is one of those helpful metal engravings on the Hill, pointing out the visible landmarks - but many of the newest buildings are missing, thus showing how rapidly London is still developing.  Interestingly, the view of St Paul's from Hampstead Heath is one of ten protected views of the Cathedral, meaning that nothing will be allowed to intrude on the sight-line.


  1. A great view and photograph Jenny.

  2. It is a lovely view from up there. I found it interesting that the view of St Paul's is protected.

  3. I ditto Diane's comment, Jenny :)

    Hope things aren't too sad/difficult for you right now. Think of you every day!

  4. What a wonderful view over London ! When I have been there last time in August there were so many construction works going on, it was terrible. All that for the Olympic games. I wonder how it will be this year because I stop for a day in London coming back from Eastbourne, before I take the Eurostar back to Brussels.

  5. When the boys were much smaller, we managed to lose a kite up on Parliament Hill. The wind suddenly dropped and so did the kite; right into the top of a rather LARGE tree! No way was it coming down!

    I didn't know why Parliament Hill was so named (though I had sussed out the bit about the Houses of Parliament not being on top :) )

  6. Great shot - what a view! Wish I was sitting up there.

  7. I love the notion of a protected view!

  8. So nice to see people outdoors enjoying nature.

  9. I've never seen a skyline image of London before, that is very cool. Glad you made it there to show us! ~Lili
