
Monday 2 May 2011

Family life

Another sign of spring...... I mentioned a while ago that a few greylag geese seem to have adopted Saltaire as their home.  Two of them have produced a family in the last few weeks.  I first noticed the goslings on 18th April.  At that stage they were golfball-sized balls of fluff and there were eight of them.  Two weeks later, when I took this photo, and they are like little tennis balls - but only six remain.  It will be interesting to see how many - if any - survive to adulthood.  Mama seems to be getting a bit short-tempered!

PS: Anyone who wants more Royal Wedding photos (!) should look at the British Monarchy's own Flickr site - effectively the bride and groom's own wedding album.


  1. All babies are irresistible...goslings even more so while they are still so small :)

    Thank you for giving the link to the royal wedding photos. Going to look right away!

  2. Oh I do hope all six cuties will survive. Mother Goose certainly looks like she's had enough of the little ones not paying attention.

  3. Beautiful photograph - the composition is perfect.

  4. Lovely, it's amazing how like the Toulouse they look.

  5. Great shot. papa looks very proud even if mama is scolding.

  6. What a beautiful family and photo. Praise our amazing Creator!!

  7. How cute, hopefully they will all survive !
    I had a visit from Sidney. Sylvia a blogfriend came over especially for the Royal wedding catched a nice place at 5 am in front of Westminster Abby and saw everything.She wanted to try out the Eurostar to Brussels so I met her there and we had a great but unfortunately too short time !
    I watched the wedding on TV was wonderful.

  8. Mama looks ready to defend these 6 little ones!

  9. Lovely little balls of fluff :)

  10. Ducklings are just the cutest little balls of fluff - Mumma duck is certainly uptight about some-thing!

  11. This reminds me of the book "Make Way For Ducklings." I wonder how many times I read that to my kids.

  12. Oh my gosh that's adorable!

  13. Great capture of this little family. We don't see them in my neck of the woods but we get tons of the Canada Geese you featured in another post. You're right too, mama bird does look a bit aggravated doesn't she?

  14. Ohhhh so sad to know there used to be 8, maybe they're hiding under Mama's wings? They are so precious! ~Lili
