
Tuesday 3 May 2011

War Memorial

I took this a couple of weeks ago.  I couldn't resist the blue sky and the colourful bedding plants around Shipley's war memorial.  It is hidden away in a small park, known as Crowgill Park, quite near the centre of the town and more or less opposite the Town Hall.  But for some reason it's not a park that many people use, apart from those who play bowls there, the occasional jogger and a few kids who come to use the skatepark tucked away at the back.  It's a shame more people don't think to walk and sit there, as it's quite attractive - and green spaces in our urban areas are so important.  The park was at one time a small stone quarry, later used as a public dump and then developed into a public park in 1889.  The bowling green was opened in 1914.

(Regular readers of my blog will remember that Shipley is the small market town less than a mile down the road from Saltaire.  Indeed these days Saltaire is really part of the area known as Shipley - all merged into one large urban area, part of Bradford Metropolitan District.)


  1. Enjoying all your "daily photos" even though I thought I was the only person in the world who thought the Hollies sang "Jenny Freckles"
    Lots of love,
    Hamish The Tambourine Man

  2. It sure looks a nice outlook from there as well as the flowers bringing colour into the visit. I like how you have the memorial between the trees.

  3. These flowers and the blue sky are so beautiful. War memorials are always sad. But it looks like a nice park.

  4. The memorial and cross are rather simple, appropriate for a solemn memory. The flowers are bright and lush. Nice.

  5. What a striking photo! Just beautiful! I agree the sky is the perfect backdrop!

  6. Beautiful photo and it's good to see it so well maintained.

  7. Hi Jenny

    I'd like to get in touch with you about an image from your site (well I think it is one of yours) that has been used on the following site:

    Can you please get in touch with me as I'd like permission to reproduce it please?


  8. Very pretty and a picture that was just begging to be taken!

  9. Richard - How do I get in touch with you?

  10. Hi Jenny
    Thanks for coming back to me. I take it you will know Pamela Reynolds - she has my contact details (I have emailed her today to see if she could give me YOUR email address!). Obviously I can't put my email address on your blog and give the spammers a field day! Hopefully we can reach each other via Pamela at the Saltaire website?


  11. A beautiful dramatic shot with that wonderful monument and sky!

  12. Hard to believe this place was once the site of a public dump, what a dramatic and beautiful change of venue! ~Lili

  13. You wouldn't happen to have the names on the Memorial - I am looking for Harry Drake who was killed in action 1 Nov 1918..... just another 10 days is all he needed!
