
Tuesday 14 June 2011

Growing your own

Part of the original plan for Titus Salt's model village of Saltaire included areas of allotment gardens, because the houses have no gardens to speak of.  'Growing your own' vegetables never went totally out of fashion but in recent times it's enjoying a huge resurgence in this country - thanks in part to the recession but also to its popularisation by TV chefs like Jamie Oliver and Nigel Slater.  I was struck by how neat this allotment is.  Rows of potatoes, beans and onions appear to be growing vigorously despite the dry spring we had.  (I must point out that it's not mine....  I haven't a green finger on my body and all my veg comes in plastic bags from the supermarket!)


  1. One of my lecturers at university wrote books about allotments; guess it takes all sorts.

  2. I've been working a little plot in our daughter's garden (approx 8'x12') and it's amazing how much veg we've grown in a small patch.

    Your pictured example is something to aspire to. Ours is not quite as uniform, just yet.

  3. I have a patch in my garden which is, in theory, a vegetable plot. Some years it gets planted; this year... Oh well :(

  4. I've got peas, broad beans, French beans, radishes, lettuce and tomato growing but they are much more 'random' than this patch. I wish I could keep mine looking like that!

  5. I think next year I might try a garden too. I pass so many little perfectly tended plots alongside the farm houses I pass. It's a lot of work, but it must be so rewarding. And they look beautiful too!

  6. I don't tend vegetables, either, but I always like seeing plots like this being tended by people who don't have gardens at their own properties.

  7. What a luscious looking veggie garden, I enjoyed seeing how far along it is compared to ours this time of year. ~Lili

  8. Surely a little corner of paradise for the one who owns it!

  9. So neat and tidy - my garden always gets rearranged by the squirrels!

  10. There really is a knack to growing such healthy veggies. I wish I had it, too!

  11. Oh, that's a beautiful garden! Mine isn't that far along yet but soon!

  12. On my three trips to England I always sought out the allotment gardens -- almost always beautifully tended. My garden is just barely under control at the moment -- I just spent hours weeding and thinning the corn.
