
Wednesday 15 June 2011


This is not one of the best photos I've ever taken, but I'm posting it because of a little happy accident.  I took a short walk last Sunday morning (taking advantage of the early sunshine before it rained) and noticed this narrowboat moored opposite Saltaire's church.  It's fairly usual to see some boats fastened up there but I noticed this one particularly because it was newly painted and smarter than average.  There didn't seem to be anyone on board - or maybe they were having a Sunday morning lie-in.  Anyway, I didn't really take much more notice and discarded the photo later as being a bit below my quality standard for the blog. (It's a tricky location, as it's heavily shaded by the trees.)

I subscribe to 'Google Alerts' for Saltaire and some time later an alert popped up indicating a blog entry mentioning Saltaire.  To my delight, the blog - Narrowboat Tacet - is about this very boat and has a post about their journey through Saltaire.  So we'll say hello to Ian and Karen (and Jumble the dog).  They're rather bravely having a 'grown-up gap year' adventure, living on their narrowboat and exploring the inland waterways of Britain - and blogging along the way.  I've a secret yearning to do the same really, so I can only envy them, and I'll be following their exploits with interest from now on.  I wish them all the best and hope it's lots of fun.


  1. I'm so pleased you didn't discard the photo I actually think it's quite good - but what a coincidence seeing Ian and Karens' blog site on "Google Alerts" - I'll look forward to following their journey.

  2. Now, that's a GREAT story, Jenny! Personally, I didn't see anything 'wrong' with this photograph. I'm now also looking forward to following Ian, Karen and Jumble's exploits on their Narrowboat, thanks to you!

  3. For me any photo with a narrowboat is worth seeing - I guess I've always had a dream about drifting away for a year on the inland waterways.

  4. I agree, I think this quite nice too. So peaceful also.

  5. What a great way to discover a country! and living on a boat must be something soo special!

  6. Oh please! Do not apologize for your picture taking, ever. That is a beautiful photo. I love narrow boats and want to live in one for a year (month, maybe...week?...maybe a couple days.) What an adventure.

  7. I like the pica and certainly envy them their year on the water!

  8. Oh what fun! I envy them too. I'm going over there now to take a look. (Have I REALLY got the time to follow another blog?? But it's CANALS!!!)

  9. What a delightful blog post! Thanks Jennie!

  10. I never get anything fun from my google alert! ha.
    What a beautiful little boat! and how fun that you get to connect with the owners!

  11. That is so cool finding a fellow blogger like that! ~Lili

  12. We love your photo too Jenny, and thank you for getting in touch. We love meeting new blogging friends.
    Ian and Karen
