
Sunday 10 July 2011

An English garden

Every year in the Saltaire/Nab Wood area there is a weekend when a number of local families open their gardens to the public, to raise money for The Children's Society charity.  There are usually about 12 gardens in the scheme, all within an area of about a square mile, so it's easy to plan a delightful walk that takes in several in an afternoon.  The weather was warm and damp but the occasional rain showers didn't curb my enthusiasm.  I'm not a keen gardener but I do like looking at other people's efforts! And, with careful planning, I managed to arrive at one that was serving cream teas (scones, strawberries and cream, with a cup of tea) at just the time when I needed a brief sit-down and a drink.

The gardens vary in size but most are quite modest, belonging to the detached and semi-detached houses that make up the Nab Wood area.  Nevertheless, it is wonderful what keen gardeners are able to do with quite small plots.  In the one in this photo, they were growing fruit and vegetables happily alongside the very pretty flower borders.


  1. That is a gorgeous garden! Wow!

  2. Size really isn't important! It's all about using the available space as creatively as possible. This is a very lovely garden!

  3. Interesting how small the lawn is compared to the flowers. I am more used to a large lawn. A very good mixture of plants here. Thanks for sharing but I really need a photo of the delicious strawberry and cream tea!

  4. Very nice garden. We also published our garden on the blog yesterday.

  5. Lovely garden, lovely photo. Incidentally runner beans were grown for their bright red flowers long before people thought of eating them. Strange but true.

  6. There is just nothing quite as lovely as an English garden. Makes me want to do a garden tour, it sounds so delightful with tea and scones! ~Lili

  7. M&H - this is not the whole garden, so there is more lawn to the right, and more flowers too.

  8. Such a typically English garden isn't it?

  9. That's a lovely garden and it looks so well cared for.

  10. Very nice, Jenny. I love gardens, but I would rather see other people's than do the work myself.

  11. Beautiful weekend walk to see variety of gardens... and a cup of 'cream tea' !!! Cool!!
