
Friday 8 July 2011

Hunkering down..


Just as parents-to-be need to do a lot of preparing and 'nesting' in the months leading up to the birth, so (it seems) do grannies-to-be ... or is it only me?  I find myself looking with new interest at babies in general and noticing shops that sell baby things and adverts for 'nearly-new' sales that I've never taken any interest in before. I know it's no good indulging my yearning for little baby clothes - my daughter tends to be rather particular about things and I doubt my taste would concur with hers.  But I did have a good idea (I think) to start a collection of books, to keep at my house, that might provide some amusement for my precious grandchild in years to come: books I loved as a child, books my daughter loved and selected modern children's classics.  However reliant we all are on computers and electronic gadgets, I still think there's a place for books in the life of a child.  And even if (horror) my own grandchild(ren) turn out to be book-averse, as some are, it will serve to amuse me!  (I don't know why I don't have any left over from the early days but I don't.  Obviously too ruthless in my decluttering in times past.)

I even found a lovely place to start a wish-list: - where you can search for titles, start your own lists and link in to reviews and sellers too.  A lot of fun.  Needless to say, all suggestions for additions to my list will be gratefully received and enjoyed.

This photo has very little to do with all that!  But I decided to post it simply because I like it.  It fits well with the Weekend Reflections theme and if you like reflections in all guises, then do have a look at the other entries this week - here.  This attractive spot is a few miles along the Leeds-Liverpool Canal in Riddlesden.   It would be a gorgeous place to hunker down for the afternoon with a drink and a book - though perhaps not the best place to settle with a toddler in tow!


  1. Very romantic place and great reflection too! Have a great weekend!

  2. The perfect spot for some quiet reflection! I think your excitement is completely normal :)

  3. I love books and always have, probably have too many, something I would never have admitted when younger.
    The canal at Riddlesden is very nice, they appreciate their stretch of water.
    Paul at Leeds daily photo

  4. You can keep a wish-list going on Amazon; mine is about 40 books long at the moment. Also, while I love books, I'm hooked on the Kindle eReader. I know it doesn't smell like a book, but once you've taken one on holiday with about 30 books on it and compared it with how you used to take books on holiday, you won't look back.

  5. Books - what on earth are books. Just get the child a kindle for its cradle.

  6. I'm a book lover, and I was lucky enough to keep the books of my own childhood until now. They're a precious treaure to me.. I love your idea about a books collection . And I think you'll be a lovely grany!
    I like the bench in your pic, it seems to have a distorsion on the back even in real life!
    have a nice week-end, dear Jenny!

  7. Your photo is soft and light and pretty - and seeing you're going to be a Grannie well you're entitled to post what-ever you like!!

  8. I think it must be a gene that activates when a woman becomes a grandmother. My wife saved all of the kiddie lit books when she retired from teaching primary grades. They're in boxes in the basement, stored in age-appropriate groupings, always ready to be brought out when THE grandchild arrives. And every trip to a department store requires a pass through the children's department in case there's something Jubilee has to have. Enjoy, Jenny! It's a granny thing! Jim

  9. A grand reflection to go with your reflection on books!

  10. I agree with RedPat, Jennie, marvelous reflection to go with your reflections on books and grandchildren! Beautiful place to sit and think or dream! Enjoy your weekend!


  11. Oh....a lovely spot, so romantic and peaceful looking. I started reading to my grandie when she was a baby, she loves books.

  12. A wonderful picture -- as was yesterday's -- and collecting books sounds like a great idea.

    I always found the Dr. Seuss books great fun to read aloud. And Maurice Sendak's WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE. The Poob books and NOT the Disney variations) ... oh, I could go on and on.

  13. This is such a special place. No, not necessarily with the toddler, but for you when you need to recharge after being run ragged by the toddler.

    Books were a central part of the bonding time spent with my kids. So far I haven't tossed the important ones out yet.

  14. Alan made me laugh... oh dear, that may indeed be the way of the future. But I hope not entirely in my lifetime. While I am considering getting an e-reader of sorts, I can't imagine life without my paper books lining my walls. I have no children and those of my siblings and nieces are strewn across the globe, so I have missed out on that special phase of anticipation (with the attendant change in selective perception) you are now blissfully experiencing. I have no trouble imagining it, though, and wish you continued joy. Nice reflections today, Jennie, both in photo and words.

  15. I like the picture too! I love the reflections. I'm not so sure about the wall. I prefer Derbyshire hand-laid stone.....

  16. Perfect spot! Just discovered you on Weekend Reflections. New follower!

  17. What a beautiful place to sit and relax while reading or looking for reflections. The bench looks like it would be hard to reach though.

  18. It looks like a wonderful place to walk.

  19. Hello Jenny, long time I could'nt leave messages, but I followed closely your change of format and I really appreciate your new way to keep up with your thinking, with your beautiful photos...
    And today this pepermint green color is sooooo very beautiful on the side of the water.
    Collecting childfood books is a fine idea... I still have some of these japanese - american or english or other langugage origin but translated in japanese- books at home - these I loved as a small girl and these of my son- and sometime it is sooo very nice to come back to them. I think books are there to wait for you. Some thing Internet infos don't do...
    Have a very nice Sunday!

  20. Oh I really need to stay caught up, sounds like big news over there! Congrats on your upcoming grandmother-hood! ~Lili
