
Tuesday 13 September 2011

Sunday strolling

Tumbling back down the hill from Heptonstall to Hebden Bridge is like entering a different world.  Whereas Heptonstall is all dark buildings, narrow streets and not many people about, Hebden Bridge is a busy, bustling little town, even on a dull Sunday afternoon.  Much of the centre is pedestrianised and ideal for laid-back strolling up and down, looking in the shops and maybe enjoying an ice-cream or a coffee at one of the many little cafés.  The centre is blessedly free of the chain stores that blight many a town centre and make everywhere seem the same.  Most of the shops are independent and are lots more interesting as a result.  If you look closely you can see a street entertainer who was crooning songs from the thirties.  I can't help thinking that Heptonstall might have a nicer 'vibe' if they had a few more flowers around to add a bit of colour.

Back to Saltaire tomorrow...  there's a Festival going on there....


  1. It sure looks a colourful, vibrant little town.

  2. Colorful, crowdy, lovely flowers everywhere.. What an attractive place!

  3. Now Hebden Bridge has always been a very odd place. When, in my extreme youth, I used to be a bus conductor on Halifax Corporation buses I would regularly be on the Hebden Bridge to Brighouse route and would always breath a sigh of relief once we had descended the valley passed Mytholmroyd.

  4. Hebden Bridge looks gorgeous here!

    Have you come across the term 'Hebden happening' ?
    We first heard it when we took the children to see a circus sans animals (better in principle than reality!).
    Lots of right-on, slightly-hippy locals turned up to support it and as we stood in the queue they said 'let's make it a Hebden happening', so it turned into a bit of a party :-)
    Jane Gray

  5. It's just so quaint and charming. Laughing at Alan...I want to know more about that! ha.

  6. How beautiful! I can't wait until we can teleport from Wisconsin to Yorkshire! I want to be there. :-)

  7. What a lovely little town, reminds me the once we went through when I was at the English coast.
    Since a few years we also have these hanging pots in Waterloo.

  8. A beautiful spot. I like the idea of restricting town centers to bikes and walkers. That was tried in the US once upon a time, but has mostly fallen out of fashion. I think most Americans are unwilling to walk more than a few feet to access anything.

  9. A wonderful capture Jenny - despite the busyness, there remains a sense of peace. And yes, those flowers to complete the scene. Valerie

  10. A wonderful capture Jenny - despite the busyness, there remains a sense of peace. And yes, those flowers to complete the scene.

  11. You are right, Jenny. A liberal use of flowers brightens up any town. I like the look of this one!

  12. Those flowers sure complete the scene Jenny, and I'm with you on traffic-free areas!

  13. Most enticing! I'd love to spend some time there.

  14. Oh my goodness, what classic beauty to stumble upon! The flowers are just amazing!

  15. The flowers sure do add a ton of charm, as I'm sure does the crooner!
