
Wednesday 14 September 2011

The Makers' Fair

Last weekend was the start of the 2011 Saltaire Festival (the ninth, though a little bit different this year since The Arts Trail moved to a dedicated slot of its own in May.)  Staff in the Victoria Hall must have been working overtime.  Friday night saw the grand opening 'Silver Ball' and then it was quick change for the wonderful 'Makers' Fair' on Saturday.  This showcases the work of artists and craftspeople, many of them local.  It is a chance to buy some beautiful work... anything from handmade cards through to jewellery, paintings, ceramics, textiles and photographs.  There was some truly inspiring stuff.  The colourful paintings displayed on the stage are the work of Saltaire-based artist David Starley, who uses thick oil paints to create large bright canvases that are almost 3D in effect.  Having recently bought my new camera, I don't have much spare cash to invest but I did buy some lovely greetings cards; I like to have a stock for those moments when a handwritten card is just the right thing to send, and all the better when the card itself is unusual and lovingly made.  I must admit to being tempted by some pretty little baby smocks - red stripes with a cherry motif.... but since the baby in my thoughts has (God willing) another three months in utero, it seemed a touch premature, even for an excited gran, to be stocking up on clothes sized for a one-year old!


  1. That's quite a display. Just the kind of things that really catch the eye.

    Only another three months, eh? Just in time for Christmas!

  2. The is a slight Hockney feel to some of those paintings on display - from a distance at least.

  3. That looks like a fun time! I'd love to browse through those displays!

  4. What fun! I would love to attend. Have you thought about making your own greeting cards with some of your wonderful photos? Avery makes nice 4 1/2" x 5" note cards. Just a thought. :-)

  5. To add to Cranberry Morning's comment, Avery also has free software/templates for all of their products. There is other free software available online, as well. Jim

  6. I would have really enjoyed visiting that event. I like all that I can see in the photo.

  7. It looks like a great event. The paintings are very colorful and look great.

  8. The last two posts show very busy photos. I like them, because one has the opportunity to wander around for ages inside them. They are both very colorful.

  9. Art fairs like this are fun. You never know what treasure will face you as you round the corner and peek into the next booth.

  10. Looks like a wonderful event. I love these kinds of festivals.

  11. That is a good idea having a Makers Market. It gives all those budding artists a chance to show their work and maybe sell some.
    Its never too early to start collecting babywear. You must be very excited.
    This is a secret but Fox is going to have a sibling. I'm not allowed to tell the world until she is over 12 weeks and sure she is all okay.

  12. I really like the looks of those paintings! Saltaire is a perfect subject.

  13. Oh how I would love to go browsing there! ~Lili

  14. Hah! Here you answered my question in my earlier comment. I like going to arts and crafts fairs, but I seldom buy anything... and it makes me feel a little bad, since I want these artisans to thrive.

  15. It's raining here and I'm catching up with blogs I follow. I love going to art fairs too. And I had to laugh at your comment about the baby grandson, due the same time as your little one, has me looking at things all the time...hard to keep the spending under control isn't it? (-:
