
Tuesday 3 January 2012

In search of colour - 2

Subtle colour here, in the Christmas wreath, the stained glass and the bright leaves.  Not a standard Saltaire front door (the heritage doors have four horizontal panels, like this).  No doubt it's frowned upon by the planners, but it is quite smart nevertheless.  Note also the difference in colour between the cleaned (sand-blasted) stonework and the original, blackened by soot from the years of coal fires and belching mill chimneys.  Most of the public buildings have been cleaned up but some of the houses have and some have not.  I guess which you prefer is a matter of personal taste.


  1. If it were left to the planners we'd have nothing interesting to photograph! It's always interesting to look at a row of what were once identical houses and see what changes the inhabitants have wrought upon them. Good luck with your colour-searching!

  2. After the wreath, my eyes were drawn to the Tiffany glass above the door. Nice!

  3. My eyes were drawn to the vegetation trained around the door, and then the keystone arch. I guess I've grown accustomed to wreaths on doors over the past six weeks.

  4. I think that's the only color around everywhere and today it's so windy that probably the wreaths will all been blown away !

  5. It is a charming front door. I like that stained glass! Happy New Year to you too.

  6. So beautiful -- I am enchanted with British front doors -- something you all do so well!

  7. That vine adds so much to the already lovely entranceway.
    I like the new header very much.

  8. I can never totally decide if I like cleaned or aged better but cleaned probably shows the details better. Love that door!

  9. Christmas is gone so quickly this year, I can't believe it..

  10. Now this is a welcoming doorway. I like the way the creeper is trained over the top, and love the brass letter/mail slot that conjures up images of residents racing to the door, on hearing mail being delivered, excitedly searching for THAT special card or letter!

    As for the different stone colours, I think each has its own unique appeal and story to tell. Thanks for sharing and Happy 2012 Jenny.

  11. I like the bricks with the writing on best.
    Hope the letters go into a special cage so you won't have to pick them up off the floor.

  12. I think I prefer the cleaned up bricks over the soot covered ones. And I like the older door style, too, though this one a cute windows on top. Love the transom.

  13. The itty bitty colour is eye catching and i love the door. It looks very inviting.

  14. Love all the stonework cleaned up or not. The color really pops against it. ~Lili
