
Monday 9 January 2012

In search of colour - 7

Saltaire has managed to hang on to its iconic, old-fashioned red telephone box.  It adds a splash of colour in the middle of the village, in the little square where Saltaire's wash-house once stood.


  1. Iconic indeed is the old fashioned telephone box,so delightfully captured here. They are disapearing fast as a familiar piece of British street furniture . . as are telephone boxes in general, due, no doubt, in large part to the wide ownership of personal mobile or "cell phones" as our American cousins would have it.
    Still surviving, however, and still in wide use is the other piece of iconic street furniture, the post box . . . there's another splash of colour for you . . . .Ah, but alas, it's red once more. Hey ho!

  2. Terrific! And is there a working phone in there, too? I like your post processing on this one.

  3. My local antique shop had one that they bought at an estate sale. It apparently was bought in England when the (eccentric?) couple were on holiday and sat in their front hall for many years, with the phone inside. I don't know if they also had a cordless phone, but they (so the story goes) liked to amuse their guests by making sure the phone rang at least once while they were there just so they could go into the phone box to answer it! What fun!

  4. Red is your number one colour. I hope they keep the iconic phone box forever.

  5. I will write to the Queen herself if they ever decide to take those wonderful red phone boxes away and replace them with ordinary dull modern-looking ones! Love them, and would like to have one that's a bit bigger than the one on my keychain. :-) Did I tell you that last time we were in Yorkshire, there was a 'phone box graveyard' just outside the village of Carlton Minniot? I wanted to take them back to the States and find them all good homes! lol

  6. Public pay phones have all but disappeared in the U.S. Ours never were as picturesque as your red phone boxes. Maybe you should start a campaign to have phone boxes declared historical treasures and protected. I know tourists love them.

  7. I love these red "old fashioned ???" telephone box and I am sad seeing them disappearing more and more !

  8. Red seems to be THE color of the winter in Saltaire!

    Your country has the most beautyful phone boxes of the world! I have (a small) one in my room! They're MORE than iconic!

  9. I have a little replica on my shelf - they are so wonderful!

  10. Not so mobile were they!
    For me suffering from picture-straightener's OCD as I do, that is a daring photo composition, yet has definite artistic merit nonetheless!
    I like "tele" phone better than "mobile" phone any day.

  11. This is a very good photo, jenny. There should be a law that every traditional red phone booth must remain in place even if there is no longer a pay phone it it.

  12. Such a wonderful contrast. Love it.

  13. The ngle of this shot is what makes it work so well. I'm quite sure determined this from the beginning.

  14. Oh that's so quaint and lovely to see! ~Lili
