
Tuesday 10 January 2012

In search of colour - 8

OK, here's one that's not red - well, not really!

Cyclamens are such pretty little flowers, but they don't do well indoors.  This one seems to like its position on the steps, cool yet sheltered - and it can see everything that's going on!


  1. A really well composed and considered image.
    The contrast twixt the delightful colour of the Cyclamens and the flat lacklustre of the zinc plant holder would, perhaps, be worth further experimentation ? ?

  2. This picture is really beautyful showing an every day simple secnery, with serenity. You should use it as a postcard!

  3. Cyclamens were among my late grandmother's favourites. An extremely green-fingered woman, she has these in pots on various window sills around her house. This one looks very comfortable in its position.

  4. Can I be a little naughty; next time you walk past, move the flower pot a couple of feet to the right and come in a little tighter on the flower against the lovely old wall.
    I'll go back to my pot of tea now.

  5. Very nice. Could I make a suggestion? Maybe you could do a little cement work and tidy up the pointing on the stonework then take the picture again? By then the flower might have grown a bit bigger.....

  6. I love Cyclamens and I agree, they don't do very well in the house. I still buy one every once in awhile, the color is so wonderful in the winter.

  7. I think you found the perfect amount of color. It certainly brightens the day.

  8. To me, what really pushes this over the top is the muted green moss in one corner to the green in the diagonal corner. Really well thought out shot.

  9. Suweeeet! What a delightful pot, too. And I like your composition.

    [Yes, I had thought of you with the Taphophile meme and hoped you'd catch it. You can link one of your previous posts; others have done that. :-) ]

  10. Beautiful contrasts! I adore cyclamen and have learned not to attempt them inside -- they perish miserably, alas!

  11. Oh you're killing me here... blooming flowers are always so delightful to see this time of year! ~Lili
