
Saturday 4 February 2012

Flying solo

I've mentioned the community-owned Half Moon Café in Roberts Park before; it was attractively refurbished a couple of years ago.  Saltaire Cricket Club, who oversee the running of it, have built it up into quite a successful venture, with the help of a manager and a lot of volunteers.  It has limited opening hours during the winter (Wed to Sun: 10am - 4pm) but seems to remain popular... you often see people sitting outside, even when it's quite cold, though it's very pleasant inside too.

For some time now, they have had a regular programme of exhibitions of work by local artists, which provides a point of interest along the long, curved wall inside.   I'm pleased to announce that the exhibition during February and March will be some photographs of mine... my first solo exhibition.  Sounds really grand, doesn't it?  It helps that the organiser of the exhibition space is a good friend, but I do know she wouldn't have asked me if she hadn't thought my work was up to scratch.  It's been quite a process trying to decide which photos to display (and due to the nature of the space I had to choose mostly 'portrait format' prints).  In the end I decided to use my blog as the theme and to concentrate largely (though not exclusively) on photographs of Saltaire, as I think they will be interesting to most of the folk who drop into the Café.  The prints are all prepared and framed - they will be hung this weekend (unless we get snowed in!)

If you live locally, do please drop in and see them and enjoy a coffee and a cake in the Café whilst you're there.  All the photos have been shown on my blog at some point in the past, so if you're not local you're only missing the fun, not the pictures!

(This has blown my cover now, hasn't it?  But it didn't seem quite right to use 'jennyfreckles', my blog identity, for an exhibition.  In the beginning I was ultra cautious about blogging but I don't think I need to worry any more.)


  1. How exciting! A bit too far to come for a cup of tea and some cake but I'll be there in spirit! Good luck with everything.

  2. Oh my Jenny! this is super news ... how I would love to be there and see them all framed and hung - then of course coffee cake and a chat with a blogger friend would top the day off.
    What type of frames are you using?
    I'm sure they will look just gorgeous. All the best for your new venture.

  3. This is great news; wish I could drop by. Perhaps you can do a retrospective on your blog. Jim

  4. Many congratulations on your exhibition, we all enjoy your photographs immensely and the exhibition will give lots of others a chance to see them!

    I wish I could get up there to see them too.

  5. Yes indeed all the best with your exhibition.
    What about a series of images of folk perusing/enjoying your images at the exhibition in the Half Moon cafe ? ? ?

  6. Wonderful - if I was over there I would be in to see you and your work for sure!

  7. What excellent news! I hope I might be able to come and see it!

  8. Having followed your blog for some time, and enjoyed and appreciated your work, I wish you well for your first solo. Congratulations and best wishes.
    New Zealand

  9. Congrats on your first solo exhibition. I would love to be there but not in the cold temperatures you are having just now.

  10. Thanks so much everyone for your good wishes.

  11. Jenny! Congratulations! I read today's post about handing your exhibition first, then came here to get the complete story. I am excited for you. I am sure your exhibition will be received warmly and enthusiastically.

  12. Congratulations, dear A! How exciting to have your photographs hanging in a gallery, giving you the push to keep clicking and positively reinforcing your talent and "eye" for the beauty around you.

    Wish I could be there to see it in person!


  13. This is just the coolest thing to see and I'm so happy for you! ~Lili
