
Monday 6 February 2012


So here it is! My first solo exhibition of photographs was hung on Saturday, thanks to help from some good friends.  Left to my own devices I would have struggled, as I have been overcome by a very heavy cold and have spent the entire weekend sneezing prodigiously and working my way through not one but two entire boxes of paper tissues!  Bleurgh.  Never mind, I shall soon bounce back, I'm sure, and will then pop along to the Half Moon Café in Roberts Park for a proper look.  It will be interesting to watch and listen to what people have to say....  Thanks so much for all your good wishes.

We had a heavy snowfall on Saturday too, the first of this winter, which didn't exactly help matters.  I would have gone out with my camera later but I really didn't feel up to that.  The promised sunshine didn't happen so there isn't much sparkle and the snow is melting fast now.  On the whole, I think I'm glad it's not staying.


  1. Oh, how fabulous! I'm so happy for you!It must be so amazing to have the opportunity to show your work and to share it! I'm sure plenty of visitors will come and love your pictures! I wish I could be there .

  2. I'm absolutely delighted for you, jennyfreckles. You have a gift for photography, and an exhibition is only right. Very best wishes for a speedy recovery from that cold.

  3. Hi Jenny .. congratulations - what fantastic news .. it will be fun to hear everyone's comments.

    Hope the snow doesn't deter visitors, hope your cold goes away and you feel better .. but enjoy your first Exhibition - wonderful .. cheers and have such a happy week - Hilary

  4. Oh well done! I hope it's a huge success.

  5. Congratulations, hope it is a success.

  6. Bravo!!! And all the best for a very successful show.

  7. I got some ideas just by looking at your photos. :)

  8. Congratulations. I would love a closer look at the photos being exhibited. Jim

  9. This is just wonderful! Yay for you! Wish I was there to have a closer look at those and congratulate you in person!

    Feel better! Don't you hate nasty winter colds? Ugh.

  10. I am SO glad to hear this, Jenny! congratulations. I hope that wonderful train photo and the narrow boat photo are among them. Your photos are a delight!

  11. Really chuft for you...your photographs look brilliant! Rotton luck about getting the cold, tho' you look smashing in your picture.

    I'm glad the snow's melting too, it looks very lovely but it's no pleasure to get around in once you're past twelve! ;)


  12. Congratulations on the show Jenny

  13. Certainly looks the business . . I shall be popping in for a viewing whilst training at The New Mill.

  14. Hey, that looks great. Hope the cold soon gets better.

  15. What a wonderful backdrop for your framed photos ... They look very classy in that setting. and im sure you were very appreciative of the help recieved .....they look very professional.

  16. I'm so excited for you! I would think it would be a wonderful experience to hear what folks have to say about your photos. The Cafe looks like a great place for your beautiful work to be displayed! Keep us posted!

  17. Hope it is the first of many Jenny! Well done.

    Chrissy at Manchester a photo a day at Mancunian Wave

  18. Congratulations! Well deserved recognition, Jenny!

  19. Oh Jenny this is so exciting to see! And you look great for feeling a little under the weather there. Congratulations! It's so well deserved and I only wish I could be there to see it in person! ~Lili

  20. I didn't know you framed and displayed these photos. They look so wonderful. You should feel proud of such a great showing of great work.
