
Tuesday 7 February 2012

Pictures from the exhibition: A snowy scene

This view from the 'less-photographed' side of Saltaire's historic church is only really possible in the winter, when the bare branches of the trees allow the detail of the lovely tower to be seen.  Light reflected off the snow illuminates this Victorian gem, opened in 1859 and now a Grade 1 listed building.

Had I been able to get out last Sunday (sneezing and sniffles prevented me) this is more or less what you would have seen.  We had about this amount of snow, but it has all disappeared again now.  Had I been out on Sunday, I might also have tried to get the shot without the railing in the front...  one can always improve things with hindsight.

Jim and Betsy said in the comments that they'd like a closer look at the prints in my exhibition, so I've decided I will take the opportunity to show them here.  I hope that won't spoil it for anyone who intends to call in at the Half Moon CafĂ© but it will neatly get over the fact that I have very few 'new' photos stocked up at present - and little opportunity to get out and take some more.  Most, though not all, of them have been on my blog before but some of them were featured quite some time ago.


  1. I, for one, will never tire of your photographs, Jenny! Beautiful.

  2. Beautiful, indeed! Thank you, from one who can't drop by the Half Moon Cafe. Jim

  3. Nice shot. I wish we had some more snow. Our winter has been unseasonably mild and "weird." Congratulations on your exhibit, I know it is a lot of work, but your photos look great framed and hung.

  4. It is a beautiful composition.

  5. Bring them on. I won't tire of them either. This one is beautifully framed.

  6. Always good to see good photos again (and again and again, for that matter). The church in the snow is beautiful indeed.

  7. I just love that building, thanks for showing us the other side of it! ~Lili

  8. This is a Beautiful Composition Jenny. Nice shot!
    Have a nice week. :)
